Music is something we are very passionate about, and an important part of the story of how we started the VNDTA brand.
Just like a lot young kids, we had a dream of starting a record label and making dope music that people would love.
Straight outta high school that's what we did. We put what little money we had together and went and bought a $30 karaoke microphone from the local electronic store.
We started recording on cassette tapes and then figured out how to transfer it back to digital by using a program called “Sound Forge”. We would burn them into CDS and started selling them at school the following day.
We chased that venture for years. It kept us busy, it kept us in our apartment studio, learning and improving our skills, and even tho we ventured out to new business opportunities we never lost the passion for making music with other artists.
This year we decided to make time in our busy weekly schedule to turn on our recording studio open sign to exclusive projects. We are collaborating with artists that have shown support for the VNDTA movement and some new faces we have met along the way.
So far we’ve been having so much fun. We have noticed an improvement in our sound, our mixes, our vibes and approach to the creative process of each project. Maybe is the fact we are not really focusing on the money, but the quality and excitement of where are we going with this.
So far we have dropped one track with artist The Stomper and is called" 7666 Degrees". It's a storytelling gangster rap song that is fully produced by us from the beat to the recording. We had such a great reaction from the fans of that love that gangster vibe that we can’t wait to drop more songs. "7666 Degrees: is now available on Spotify and Itunes. [LISTEN TO THE SONG]

We have another project with LA’s favorite Happy clown Richie the Barber and new artist Mikeygotbands “NUMBLIKEPABLO”. The sound for this song is totally something new to us, but we personally picked it because we knew it was going to be fun in creating some what we are calling sonic art.